HAWID Hans Widmaier GmbH from Berlin has ceased its business operations as of 30 June 2021.
After reaching an agreement with the company, Leuchtturm will take over all trademark rights of the HAWID company as well as the entire inventory of machines,
finished goods, and raw materials with immediate effect. This means that HAWID mounts will continue to be available.

If you are interested in HAWID products, the Leuchtturm sales department will be happy to assist you.

Leuchtturm Gruppe GmbH & Co. KG ⋄ Am Spakenberg 45 ⋄ 21502 Geesthacht ⋄ Deutschland
Tel. +49 4152 801 0 ⋄ eMail: info@leuchtturm.com

Kommanditgesellschaft mit Sitz in Geesthacht (HRA 006 GE, AG Lübeck)
PhG: LEUCHTTURM GRUPPE Management GmbH mit Sitz in Geesthacht (HRB 282 GE, AG Lübeck)
USt-IdNr.: DE135334685 ⋄ WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 23298735 ⋄ GLN: 40 04117 00000 3
Geschäftsführer: Kurt Stürken, Axel Stürken, Max Stürken, Philip Döbler V.i.s.d.P. Axel Stürken
